Consistency is key

How many times have you tried one of those all-or-nothing diets and still didn’t get the results you wanted? Hey, I’ve been there too! Want to know why it didn’t work? Because food isn’t just nutrition. Food is how we show love (hello chocolates on Valentine’s day), how we care for each other (like homemade chicken noodle soup on a sick day), how we socialize (dinners and drinks, holidays, Thanksgiving!) and so much more. If your “diet” feels impossible to follow, it is NOT right for you. Let me show you how to eat healthier, achieve your goals, and still enjoy the food you’re eating!


Am I the right Dietitian for you?

It’s important to find the right dietitian that knows how to work within your medical conditions (if you have any) and nutrition goals. I work with clients in the following areas:

  • Weight management

  • High blood pressure/high cholesterol

  • Cardiovascular disease

  • Food allergies and intolerances

  • Prenatal and breastfeeding nutrition

  • Family nutrition

  • Diabetes

Don’t see your condition above? Still reach out! There may be underlying causes that I can help with and if not, I’d be happy to refer you to one of my experienced colleagues.

Curious about my journey and methodology?

Click below to learn more about me!

Schedule a quick call with me and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.