Start of my Nutrition Journey

November 2012 August 2014

Please don’t mind the blurry pictures but this was truly the start of my nutrition journey. What most people experience as “Freshman 15” turned into “College 50” for me as I gained 50 lbs throughout 4 years of college. I had grown up eating my mom’s healthy homemade foods and didn’t think much about nutrition so when all-you-can eat buffets and fast food became so readily available in college, I just ate what I wanted to eat with no understanding of what I was actually putting in my body.

Before I knew it, all those extra calories and fat had turned into extra weight that was making me feel sluggish, ruining my quality of sleep, and visibly affecting my skin. Of course not fitting in any of my old clothes didn’t feel good either. So I started myself on a journey to lose weight the healthy way so that I could keep it off. I discovered the expertise of a Registered Dietitian, lost the weight (and have kept it off!) and became a Registered Dietitian myself to help others accomplish their nutrition goals.

My Career as a Dietitian

I began my career as a Registered Dietitian in the hospital setting and have worked with patients of all different medical conditions including diabetes, heart disease, renal disease, gastrointestinal disorders, as well as patients in the Intensive Care Units. I have continued working in hospitals throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and have been proud to be a frontline healthcare worker.

As much as I have enjoyed my work in the hospital setting, my passion has always been working one-on-one with patients and clients. During my weight loss journey back in 2012, it was easier to sift through reliable vs. unreliable information online but the Internet has changed quite a bit over the last 10 years. Now there is so much information out there that it’s hard to know what to believe and even harder to figure out how to apply it to your daily life. That’s where Registered Dietitians (like myself!) who are the experts in the field, can help clients (like you!) understand what you should and shouldn’t trust and how you can make healthy eating work for you!

Working at the hospital during the pandemic

My Current Weight Loss Journey

January 2019 October 2019

That’s me just a few years ago, pregnant with my son (who is a happy and healthy toddler now!) My pregnancy was an eye-opening time for me as I realized how many different sources of information existed online. I could find one website that would tell me to avoid a certain food during pregnancy and another that would say it was great for pregnancy. It was all so confusing! It took a lot of research and a skeptical eye to find the evidence-based information that I felt comfortable applying to my pregnancy.

After having my son back in October 2019, getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight has been a challenge. It’s been hard to find the time and energy to put my health first but I have slowly but surely made progress. While I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight, my body doesn’t look like and will probably never look like the pre-pregnancy picture above and I’m actually pretty good with that! I’m learning to embrace all the amazing things my body has done for me and my son so far and loving myself for it while also trying to set a good example for my son on how to take care of his health. If there are any mamas out there reading this and feeling the same way (no matter how many years postpartum you are), know that you’re doing amazing and I’m right there with you!

My Educational and Professional Background


  • Bachelor's Degree in Physiological Science - UCLA

  • Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition - University of Alabama

  • Dietetic Internship - Lenoir-Rhyne University

  • Master's Degree in Nutrition - University of Alabama


CDR Number: 86064083

This means I have a certification that I have to maintain by doing continuing education from approved sources so you know I’m keeping up with what’s new in the field of nutrition!

Accepting that nutrition is a journey is the first step to success.

Let’s Talk!

Whether you know exactly what you’re looking for or are still unsure, a quick chat with me might be just what you need to move forward and take the next step. Plus it’s free so there is nothing to lose!